My goal: become a MVP of Umbraco

So after a really rough start this year with almost losing my parents but also in a big renovation of our home and getting a new baby girl I wanted to have a new goal I wanted for years.

But this time I'm going for it all the way. 

I want to become an MVP of Umbraco.


Because I love Umbraco, it is the most awesome community in the world. And the product is only getting better and better. 

After working with Umbraco for years and building a lot of packages internally for Embrace and TRES í'm now stepping out into the community to give something back. 

TRES is gonna provide me with this change and now is it time to focus on stuff that makes me happy.

So I wrote an article for Skrift that gave me the inspiration to help other people from smaller companies clean their online environments using web deploy. If you use it (primarily for Umbraco 8, please read it)

On DuugFest 2023 I told about health checks and manual checklists. We at TRES are working on automating this checklist so we can improve the flow of delivering our websites. This we want to provide with a package.

The package is almost done. After a couple of refactoring, I expect it to be online at the end of October. The first response on DuugFest where promising. 

And from today I'm now also online with this website. Don't mind the frontend stuff, I'm a backend developer. Not a Frontender. :)

I created this site in a couple of days and here I'm gonna blog about stuff primarily related to Umbraco. 

This way I hope to share more information about Umbraco with new developers or to give inspiration to other developers to step into the community and share their knowledge. 

So follow me on socials, send me a message, or check this site regularly.

And maybe they tell you at Codegarden 2024 that I'm a new MVP of Umbraco!