
Content Sync

Simple Content Synchronization with Umbraco

I'll share how I tackled a small project requiring the import of content from an old site or files into an Umbraco CMS. While there are paid options available for such tasks, my project's budget constraints led me to develop a basic, yet effective, logic for content importation. I aim to outline this logic, offering it as a starting point or inspiration for others. Please note, the code I'm presenting isn't the pinnacle of optimization, but it's a solid foundation you can build upon. This approach is designed for a single language setup, though adapting it for multilingual content is straightforward. Let's dive into the C# code provided and explore how it works, step by step.

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Themed Based Views - Using a view engine in Umbraco

In our website applications in TRES, we have an option for Mult Site. This means that you can have multiple sites in one Umbraco CMS with a different look and feel. 

But we don't want to have duplicate content types or datatypes. We develop our applications in a way that we reuse a lot of element types for editing experience.

But on some occasions, we need to override the cshtml in such a way that it's completely different than the original. 

You can do this within the view but Asp.NET MVC also has an option for view engines.

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Quick Tip Ngrok

Quick Tip: Debugging Umbraco webhooks with Ngrok

I use Ngrok as a tool to expose my local server to the internet. It helps me by creating a secure tunnel from the public internet to my application on my local machine.

This is extremely useful when I need to test an external web service that is pushing data to our applications. Especially when there is an error with that service in production, or when I can't use it directly for local development. Sometimes the error only occurs in your web application in production mode. Then, it could be a data error where your local environments can't access this data directly.

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